File Content

Page Layout

  • Do not leave extra whitespace, unless required to properly format the markdown rendering. Include one blank line following the YAML front matter.

  • Wrap lines at 80 characters, but don’t break urls or markdown rendering.

General Syntax

  • Use leading # for headers (# Heading 1). Most headers in the website content will be ### or ####.

  • Use - for unordered lists. Only use ordered lists if instructions, items, or tasks are sequential in execution.

  • Encase any hint, note, or () statement with * to italicize text (like this).

Including Code Chunks

  • Use ` to denote code and objects according to their structure:
    • packages, objects and lists
    • functions()
    • directories/
    • data-and-output-files.txt
    • "characters"
  • Code chunks that take up a whole line should be placed in a code block using ```.

  • Use appropriate code style guides [ R | Python ] and best practices.

  • The code chunks have a shorter effective page width than the 80 characters afforded normal text. Reduce the length of code blocks to improve readability for students (~60 characters).